Practical English Program. 7 lessons in VR (Virtual Reality)


Starts Sunday, June 20, classes at 19h in Europe , 2pm Brasil
Teacher: Inge Qunhua
7 classes. Limit 5 students. Enrollment open. E-mail

The beginner course is for students whose English is very basic or who have studied English years ago.
It is designed to give students language skills to deal with everyday situations in SL and rl.

A1 level "Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help."

1 Sun 20 June Café
2 Sun 27 June Airport
3 Sun 4 July Hotel Reception
4 Sun 11 July Bank
5 Sun 18 July Hospital
6 Sun 25 July Garage/Salon
7 Sun 1 August Home

Lesson 1 at the Café: introducing yourself, meeting people, ordering beverages
Lesson 2 at the Airport: Travel, custom, security controls
Lesson 3 at the Hotel Reception: booking a room, hotel check in and out.
Lesson 4 at the Bank: opening and closing a bank account, depositing, withdrawing and exchanging currency.
Lesson 5 at Hospital: arriving at the Hospital or Emergency Room.
Lesson 6 at the Garage/Salon: going to car repair and getting a haircut or a hair dye.
Lesson 7 at Home: everyday object and actions.

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