Day and time change: Excursion class on Sunday at 4am PDT

The class on Friday at 8am PDT has been canceled for the summer.
Excursion class has been moved to Sunday, at 4am PDT.

Check the calendar for more summer changes.
Can't find a class on the right day, or at the right time? Tell us! Visit the school during office hours and tell a staff member.

Time change: Saturday

Saturday's class has moved from 5am to 6am PDT.

By the way, would you like a class at a certain day and time but it's not on the calendar?
Let our staff know about it, or write an email to

Quiz 7

Congratulations to Template, Black Widow and jiahgate, you have 1 point now. 2 more points and you'll win a free class.

And here's #7

Time changes

The Skype class on Monday 6am PDT has moved to Wednesday 4am PDT and it's a Grammar Practice class now.
The other Skype class is still Thursday 3pm PDT

The Grammar Practice class on Saturday has moved from 5am to 6am PDT