ESL SL. The next bubble?

Financial markets are crumbling all over the world. In the past week, despite emergency measures taken by central banks all over the world, stock exchanges have lost 20/30% of their value and there is no end in sight to this fall. Forecast: cannibalism. In this desperate situation rumors of a raise of class prices starting January 1st, 2009 at ESL SL, Home of DRIVE-THROUGH ESL have started what some analyst call the "ESL SL bubble" Investors, knowing that fees paid before the raise will be honoured indefinitely, have started buying classes now. Many financial analysts who spend a a lot of time in SL after loosing their rl job agree that the signs are good: there hasn't been a raise in fees since the school started in 2006, so it should be a big one, providing big gains for investors. Mayhem99Jim from internet says "It's not only a short-term investment, I think fees will raise regularly from now on and classes bought in 2008 will appreciate at a pretty constant rate. This is why I put ESL SL in my retirement-plan portfolio as well." "It's a win/win situation." says krtddpukeII "It's one of the few speculative opportunities available today for investors and it will make the transition to new price easier fore students." Financial officers at the school have declined to comment.

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