ESL Story Writing Class Instructions Please click the History button located in the lower left corner of your screen. This will help you easily follow along with the class activity. In this activity, we will participate as a group to write a short story, each of us taking turns to compose one or two sentences at a time. After you have entered your writing into the chat bar, the teacher will correct any errors. You will see an * in front of the corrections. If you have any questions about the correction, please ask them. Please do not be afraid of making any errors as the whole class is here to learn and often more is learnt from an error! Once the person before you has typed in their sentences, and the teacher is in the process of correcting, please start preparing yours. The teacher will alert students a few minutes before the end of story, so the last person in the group can think of a good ending. If during this activity, you have any questions not about English, please ask them to the classrunner. Content created by Petra Paster October 2, 2007 Revision by Lylou Despres Updated Feb 2008 Posted by Giovanni Tweak, 15 Sep 2008

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