Week 33

Problems with the new teleport? Right-click on the teleport base to open the destination window. Left-click on the teleport base and select STAND from the pie menu; click on the destination in the blue window. WWWooooot, we have a website. www.drive-through-esl.info Check it out and tell DeadKing how you like it. 7 classes this week: 3 txt and 4 vox. Check the calendar. CLASS CALENDAR: CLICK HERE HELP TEAM CALENDAR: CLICK HERE

English. Beginner Program. 8 lessons in VR (Virtual Reality)

ESL SL English as a Second Language, Second life Home of DRIVE-THROUGH ESL www.drive-through-esl.info BEGINNER PROGRAM Starts Monday, September 1, classes at 19 CET, 10am PDT, 1pm EST. Teacher: Inge Qunhua 7 classes + test in 3 weeks. 1 hour each. Fee: 60 euros, 93US$. Limit 5 students. Enrollment open. E-mail giovanni_tweak@yahoo.com The beginner course is for students whose English is very basic or who have studied English years ago. It is designed to give students language skills to deal with everyday situations in SL and rl. * Students who will pass the final test will receive A1 level certificate. * Students who quit after the first lesson will receive a full refund. * Students who fail the test will receive a one-on-one consultation with the teacher and a study plan to achieve A1 level * Students who miss a lesson can attend the same lesson during one of the following Beginner Programs. A1 level "Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help." 1 Mon 1 Sep Café 1pm EST 2 Wed 3 Sep Airport 1pm EST 3 Fri 5 Sep Hotel Reception 1pm EST 4 Mon 8 Sep Bank 1pm EST 5 Wed 10 Sep Hospital 1pm EST 6 Fri 12 Sep Garage/Salon 1pm EST 7 Wed 17 Sep Home 1pm EST 8 Fri 19 Sep Test 1pm EST Lesson 1 at the Café: introducing yourself, meeting people, ordering beverages Lesson 2 at the Airport: Travel, custom, security controls Lesson 3 at the Hotel Reception: booking a room, hotel check in and out. Lesson 4 at the Bank: opening and closing a bank account, depositing, withdrawing and exchanging currency. Lesson 5 at Hospital: arriving at the Hospital or Emergency Room. Lesson 6 at the Garage/Salon: going to car repair and getting a haircut or a hair dye. Lesson 7 at Home: everyday object and actions. Lesson 8 Test: multiple choice, match ups. 30 questions. 60% needed to pass.

School pictures

The infohub, where Help Team members receive visitors. Reading, pronunciation, drama Text class Beginner Program: Hospital Beginner Program: Home Lucky student. Help Team training Text class Text class in the old classroom Voice class Voice class

Week 32


Last week I said 8, and there were 10.
This week I say 9, 5 txt and 4 vox. Let's see what happens.
Remember the new class: Fri 10pm PDT txt.

Mon 1 Sep, 10am PDT will start the Beginner Program (A1) : 7 classes + test. If you pass you receive a diploma and a orange hat!.

New teleport: Right-click on the teleport base to open the destination window. Left-click on the teleport base and select STAND from the pie menu; click on the destination in the blue window. Good luck!

week 31

CLASS CALENDAR: CLICK HERE HELP TEAM CALENDAR: CLICK HERE 8 classes this week: 3txt and 5 vox. Yes, this post is late; only 5 left by now. The Beginner program is finished and will be back at the beginning of September.